Welcome to Year 4 & Godrevy Class
Steve Trinder
Support Staff
Emma Turley |
Year 4/Godrevy Class Teaching Team.
In the mornings, we are a Year 4 class of 25 children taught by Mr Trinder. Our class TA is Mrs Turley, who will be supporting the children every morning.
In the afternoons, we become Godrevy a mix of Year 3 & 4 children taught by Mr Trinder. On a Friday afternoon, the class are taught by other adults in school in a whole range of varying activities known as Curriculum Carousel. This half term we have PE on a Thursday with Plymouth Argyle.
Winners of Godrevy Certificates Autumn 1
Week 1: Yestin & Tabitha
This term...
Friday 10th January
It's been a chilly start to the new term but we're back to our learning with a vengeance. In literacy we have a grammar-based week. In maths we have been looking at ordering 4-digit numbers and rounding them to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand. We have also started a big push on learning times tables which will continue all term. If you are able to support this with practice at home, it would be a huge help. In science we have started a new area of learning about sound and how it reaches us. In Godrevy we have started a new topic, 'Children in World War 2' and have introduced some information to try to place the war in historical context. In music we refined and performed a song with different interludes which worked on tempo, falling pitch and dynamics. In P.E we have started a dance unit about the weather, looking at how body movements adapt to change in tempo and rhythm. We looked at the how Christians view the promises couples make in a wedding ceremony and how this covenant relates back to God's promise to Noah. We also explored wedding symbols and related it to the rainbow as a symbol of God's promise never to flood the Earth again. In PSHE we explored the topic of dreams and goals and discussed the different challenges people have in their lives and how someone's challenge can be another person's fear.
Please click on the links to read the information.
Spellings are no longer being sent home in the traditional manner. Instead, the class will work on five spellings one week and a single rule or letter string the following week with a short, random test administered on Fridays.
We will be starting at the beginning of Mr Smith's Spelling document. All rules (and letter strings) can be found within the Spelling Exemplar document above.
Focus Five
There are 100 statutory words children in years three and four should know how to spell. You can download a full list here.
Every other week, we will work on five of these in class (and hopefully at home, too).
Date | POW | Virtue | |
Geography - VOLCANOES
This term we will be finding out about the volcanoes. We will be investigating how they form, where they are most prevalent and what the consequences are for the people who live in regions with active volcanoes.