Welcome to Sennen Class
We have been on a class trip to Kenya!
Hannah Trinder (Monday - Thursday) & Catie Sleight (Friday)
(htrinder@stithians.cornwall.sch.uk) (csleight@stithians.cornwall.sch.uk)
Support Staff
Becki Brush (Every Morning and Tuesday and Thursday all day) |
We are also supported in the afternoons by:
Adele Zschiesche Katie Manley Deborah Smith
(Monday afternoon) (Wednesday afternoon) (Friday afternoon)
Class Information
Sennen class is a home to learning and fun for Year 2 children. Our committed team work with the children to promote our strong belief that learning should be exciting and varied. Sennen Class is taught by Mrs Trinder from Monday to Thursday and Mrs Sleight on a Friday.
Welcome to our webpage where you will be able to find out information about Sennen and see some of the learning that we have been doing. Remember to check our class dojo for daily updates and photos from the classroom!
Each week we celebrate the achievements of class members who have displayed a particular virtue or have stood out as shining examples to their classmates:
Date | Pupil of the Week | Virtue | |
28th February | Henry | Patience | Emily |
14th February | Senan | Patience | Elsa |
7th February | Lamorna | Positivity | Jesse |
31st January | Logan | Positivity | Madi |
24th January | Tilly | Positivity | Elsie |
17th January | Elouan | Hope | Kitty |
10th January |
Enzo |
Hope | James |
13th December | Ted | Kindness | Georgia |
6th December | Ruben | Helpfulness | Annabelle S |
29th December | Jack | Helpfulness | Norah |
22nd November | Jesse | Thoughtfulness | Lamorna |
15th November | Olivia | Thoughtfulness | Annabelle W |
8th November | Frankie | Consideration | Nellie |
25th October | Emily | Caring | Elsa |
18th October | Jasper | Caring | Kitty |
11th October | Senan | Politeness | Elsie |
20th September | Logan | Politeness | Madi |
13th September | Tilly | Consideration | George |
Here is the Learning Map for Sennen Class Spring 1 & 2
Please click on the links to see the information
Phonics at School
At Stithians CP School we follow the Bugs Club Phonics scheme.
Supporting Phonics at Home
The following three videos show the correct pronunciation for all the letter sounds in phases 2, 3, and 5.
If you would like further advice, about how you can help your child with their phonics at home, then please pop in to see me.
2d shape reveal 2d shape monsters 2d shape sort
Friday 28th February
We have had a very creative week in Sennen class to start our new topic, The Great Fire of London. On Monday the children looked at Tudor houses and designed their own Tudor House labelling the different features. We then made the houses joining different boxes together and put our first
layer of papier-mâché on the top. In maths we have started to look at money, counting different coins and making different amounts. We have started writing our own version of The Long Way Home for literacy and we have also started reading Trolls Go Home written by Alan MacDonald for our class story. We had a fun music session using our voices and different instruments to demonstrate pitch and in RE we found out about the events of Passover and made our own newspaper palm leaves. We have welcomed Henry to our class this week, who has made a great start to his new school
Friday 14th February
This week in Sennen we have been completing our Safari Travel Journals and sharing them with the class. The children have enjoyed making a completed journal and they have worked hard using their imaginations to describe the adventure. In maths we have continued looking at2d and 3d shapes. We have sorted shapes using different categories and look at using a Venn diagram. The children have enjoyed trying to make 3d shapes using a net and they have used the computer to explore different shape activities. We have also been practising our knowledge of doubles up to 10 + 10. In art this week, we have been finishing off our watercolour and our pastel waterlily paintings. They look fantastic and the children have worked very hard to recreate the closest colours and shades. In topic this week we found out about the life of a Kenyan boy called Haki. The children also looked at different features of Kenya and compared similarities between their lives and Haki's. In science this week, we finished up our plants topic by learning how plants adapt to their environment. We also continued learning our Māori hymn and practising simple rhythms using percussion instruments. Can I just say a massive thank you to all the parents. We had 100% turnout for parent's evening. It was lovely to see you all and have a catch up. Enjoy your half term!
Friday 7th February
This week in Sennen we have been busy in literacy with our travel journals. We have become an animal expert by researching a safari animal and creating an information poster during our topic session. Then we have used this knowledge to help us to write some sentences into our journal. In maths, we have continued looking at shapes. We have explored lines of symmetry in 2d shapes and tried to complete the reflection of different patterns by using mirrors to check. We have also looked at sorting shapes using a Venn diagram. In art we have been using watercolour paints to create our own waterlily painting. The children worked very carefully to use the paint and to mix the colours they need. In music we have been learning a traditional Māori hymn and practising basic rhythms using percussive instruments. In science, we observed the results of our plant experiment, which focused on what plants need to grow.
Friday 31st January
We have been busy looking at 2d and 3d shapes in our maths work this week. The children have played lots of games to help recognise the different shapes and learn their names. We have played a guessing game thinking about sides, faces and vertices to see if we can work out what shape is hiding in the bag! Please take a look at our class page for some extra shape fun to try at home. In Literacy this week, we have continued to work on improving simple sentences and reminded ourselves of nouns, verbs and adjectives. We have started to write a travel journal and have completed our introduction. In topic this week, we had great fun using the points of a compass to navigate around a safari map to reach different animals. In science, we have been working on a unit about plants. So far we have learnt what a plant needs in order to grow; the difference between a seed and a bulb; and set up an experiment to see how well plants grow when given different amounts of water. Tomorrow, we will be learning about the life cycle of plants. In RE we have recapped on the story of the Good Samaritan and thought about how we can be a good friend in school and outside of school.
Friday 24th January
We have been really busy in maths this week, using base 10 to help us with subtracting two-digit numbers involving exchange. This is quite a tricky concept, and the children have been trying really hard to make sure they don't forget to exchange a ten! In our mastering number session, we have been looking at teens numbers and how they are made up of 10 and a bit. In literacy, we have been working out the difference between nouns, verbs and adjectives and writing sentences linked to Safari. We had great fun creating silly sentences. We have finished our class story 'Christmasaurus', thank you to Jack. We will be starting a new book next week! In topic, the children had great fun creating their own safari map, reading the clues about where the animals are likely to be found, thinking about habitats and predators! We have enjoyed mixing primary colours to create secondary colours in our Monet art session this week. The children have created some beautiful water lily study pages in their sketchbooks.
Friday 17th January
This week in Sennen we have been on a whirlwind adventure to Kenya. On Wednesday, the children entered the airport passing through baggage control and security along the way. Then they made passports and collected boarding passes before taking off on their 8 nearly 9 hour direct flight to Nairobi but luckily the flight included some snacks to keep them going. We explored Nairobi thanks to Google earth and went on safari. Mrs Bingham shared her safari adventures with us and we made African Collar necklaces and Tribal Masks! We had a fantastic day and on Thursday we spent our Literacy time writing postcards to send to someone about our trip. In maths this week we have been subtracting two-digit numbers and looking at number bonds that make 9. In art we have started our unit on Claude Monet by looking at some of his amazing work and we had a go at continuing a waterlily picture using chalk pastels.
Friday 10th January
Happy New Year Everyone! This week has flown by. The children have been very excited sharing their holiday news and bringing in some of their new presents or telling us about their adventures. In Literacy this week, we have been revising how to write a sentence, remembering the steps needed. Then we have added verbs and adjectives to make our sentences even more exciting. In maths this week, we have looked at adding two-digit numbers, moving onto exchanging ten ones for a ten. The children had great fun taking it in turns to teach each other the steps to solve the addition problems. We have started our new topic 'Going on Safari'. Using a world map we have revised the continents and found Kenya. We have also looked at different animals and habitats that can be found in this country. We are looking forward to going on safari on Wednesday ( a letter has been sent home and the information is on dojo). WE had a gentle PE session on Tuesday afternoon working on some animal yoga poses. Great work Sennen!
Friday 13th December
Well Christmas excitement has been huge in Sennen Class this week, we have continued to read the Christmasaurus, which the class are really enjoying. The children have been working hard on their parts for the Nativity 'A Miracle in Town' and we are looking forward to welcoming you all on Monday and Tuesday.
In class we have been making Christmas Party Hats and in Maths we have been finding numbers that are 1 more/less than and 10 more/less than by using a 100 square and base 10 to help us. We had a lovely Christingle assembly on Tuesday and on Thursday we started the day off with the Jumper Jamboree assembly led by Mr Smith. The children enjoyed showing us their jumpers on stage. The children have all worked hard learning lots of words for songs and we have been busy making things to sell at the Christmas Fayre next Wednesday.
Thank you for all of your contributions to the class hamper, we are now selling tickets to win the contents. Good Luck!
Friday 6th December
Friday 22nd November
What a busy week Sennen have had, we even had some snow on Thursday! In literacy this week we have been busy with our Wombat stories. We have written sentences to describe the forest, mountains and the forest fire. The children have thought about the animal's feelings and what they might do when a fire appears. In maths this week, we have been busy recalling number
bonds to 10 and using this knowledge to jump up to the next 10 when adding. We have used number lines to check addition, and the class have played hit the button to find pairs to 10. Well done to all those children who have been practising at home.
For our topic lesson we found out about Alexander Graham Bell and his invention of the telephone. The children had great fun looking at how the telephone has developed over the years and tried putting different telephones onto a timeline. In RE this week we have discussed different celebrations and drawn our favourite celebration. We have also started learning our songs ready for our Nativity Play! Next week, the children will come home with their parts. More information to follow.
Friday 15th November
This week in Sennen we have been really busy with comparing numbers. We have found out the difference between two number, using a number line, bar model and tens frame. On Thursday we had a practical session creating pictograms and answered questions about our findings. 'Cat' was the most popular animal by far! In Literacy, we have continued writing our wombat story. We have written descriptive sentences and tried using alliteration to describe emu's movements.
In topic this week we have found out about Morse code as a way of communicating. The children had lots of fun working out different words. We have also found out about William Caxton bringing the first printing press to England and the impact it had with increasing the speed of messages and the written word. Great team work happened in PE this week with Mr Potts and it was a cold afternoon for team games. A reminder that you can send in an extra fleece or jumper for those cold days!
Friday 8th November 2024
Sennen have been super busy this week starting the week off with discussing fireworks which also involved lots of glitter (apologies if you now have lots at home!). In Literacy this week we have started writing our Wombat Goes Walkabout story. We have described the setting, thought about Wombat's feelings and used adjectives to describe a Kookaburra after watching a clip showing how noisy they are. We were lucky to have Tilly's mum sharing an Australian story with the class on Thursday called Wombat Stew.
In maths we have been adding and subtracting numbers to cross the tens boundary. The class have used tens frames, number lines and their knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help them to solve different problems.
For our topic this week we found out about Ancient Egyptian writing and had a go writing our names in hieroglyphics. In science this week, we explored the five stages of the human life cycle and put these into the correct order. In music, we began learning a Kenyan song called 'Jambo Bwana' and used our bodies to make simple percussive rhythms, and in French we discovered how to say the names of different colours.
Friday 25th October 2024
Well Sennen have had a very busy time this week and three different teachers. They have all
been fantastic with the changes and really eager to work hard especially on Thursday morning
when there were a few tired faces after the Halloween Disco! This week we have read “The Koala Who Could” and sequenced the events in the story. We discussed new things we would like to try to learn or do and how we sometimes need to be brave to take those steps. We have been very creative drawing Koala bears and on Thursday we made our own Autumn windows which will look lovely in front of an actual window. In maths we have recapped number bonds to 10 and represented numbers up to 50 using base 10 and Numicon. In Science we have finished our unit by focusing on hygiene. We conducted an experiment using pepper as germs to see what happened when we dipped a non soapy and soapy finger into the water. We have spent time rehearsing for the Harvest Assembly and we are sure you will agree what a fantastic job the children did performing their Harvest Rap! Wishing you all a very happy half term break.