Stithians Community Primary School

Stithians Community Primary School

Inspiration - Understanding - Value - Responsibility

Stithians CP School, Church Road, Stithians, Truro, Cornwall, TR3 7DH

01209 860547


Welcome to Marazion Class


Class Teacher

Sarah Allen

Support Staff

Kate Manley
Every morning + Thursday afternoon


Emma Turley
Every afternoon


Karen Perkins
Learning Support Assistant





Marazion class is taught by Mrs Allen and supported every morning by our teaching assistant, Katey Manley and in the afternoon we are supported by Emma Turley. In Marazion, we follow the National Curriculum but also try to incorporate a continuous provision approach to encourage the children to learn through play. We have a lovely reading area, role-play area, computer area and tuff tray zones which are always accessible to the children. 

A typical day in Marazion looks like:

- Registration
- Literacy
- Maths
- Break time
- Phonics
- Lunch time
- Guided Reading
- Topic (session 1)
- Afternoon movement break
- Topic (session 2) 

Spring Term 2

Our topic this term is... TIME TRAVELLERS

Year One Curriculum Overview

If you are interested in reading the Year One curriculum overview, please click here.

This year 1 National Curriculum Checklist acts as a handy overview and guide to what children will be learning in Year 1.

The checklist gives you an idea of the outcomes expected of children by the end of year 1 for all subjects covered in the National Curriculum.





Newsletters & Topic Webs

 Please click on the links to view the files.


Autumn Term Newsletter 2024

 Spring Term Newsletter 2024



 Topic Web

Marvellous Me (Autumn Term 1)

Lights and Lanterns (Autumn Term 2)

Wildlife Wonders (Spring Term 1)

Time Travellers (Spring Term 2)


Moving from EYFS to Year One may seem daunting, but we have created an environment where children have a tidy and engaging environment where they can learn through play. Please view our picture gallery below. 

In Marazion, we aim to provide a classroom that has continuous and enhanced provision. 

Our Continuous Provision:
In Marazion, the children can access all our resources in the classroom. We have the following areas in place:
- Phonics area (drawers full of phonics resources, sound cards, etc.)
- Maths area (access to all maths equipment)
- Reading area (reading pod and book stand)
- Writing area (access to pens, pencils, whiteboards, writing tablets, etc, handwriting activities)
- Fine motor skills area (threading activities, buzzer games, tweezer games) 
- Creative area (access to glue, scissors, plain and coloured paper, playdough, colour mixing paint area) 
- Computing (free access to laptops, the class iPad to play games and scan QR codes)
▪️The resources within these areas remain in place all term/year.

Our Enhanced Provision:
- Themed tuff trays
- Book vote (each child has a named token, and they can vote on which book they want to hear at the end of the day. The book with the most votes wins. 
- A role-play area (the theme changes half-termly)
- Challenges in the reading, writing, maths and phonics areas for the children to complete
▪️The enhanced provision areas are changed regularly. 

Our Outdoor Environment:
Just off the back of our classroom, we have a small outdoor area, which includes a shed. I am due to inherit the shed and plan to transform it into another usable space for the children.

Photos from our classroom

Here are some recent photographs from our classroom:

Phonics at School

At Stithians CP School we follow the Bugs Club Phonics scheme. 



Supporting Phonics at Home

The following three videos show the correct pronunciation for all the letter sounds in phases 2, 3, and 5. 

If you would like further advice, about how you can help your child with their phonics at home, then please pop in to see me. 


Phase 2 Sounds

Phase 3 Sounds

Phase 5 Sounds

Spring Term 2025 Blog

7th March 2025

This week in Marazion, we have been practising counting in twos and fives, building confidence in recognising number patterns. In literacy, we joined the rest of the school in a whole-school focus on poetry. All of our poems have been linked to our current topic—toys. We explored what makes a poem, discussing different types and styles, before using our new skills to create our own acrostic poems. The children showed great creativity in their writing, and it was wonderful to see their ideas come to life. In science, we examined various classroom objects, identifying their properties and the materials they are made from. The children enjoyed investigating and classifying different materials, deepening their understanding of the world around them. Our history lessons have focus on us looking at toys from the past. We compared them to modern-day toys, discussing how designs, materials, and functions have changed over time. The children were fascinated by the differences and enjoyed sharing their own experiences of favourite toys. We also had a fantastic time celebrating World Book Day! It was wonderful to see all the children dressed up in their costumes, bringing their favourite book characters to life. A huge thank you to our parent helpers who kindly gave up their time to come in and read to the class—it made the day even more special!
Patience: William H
POTW: Roza


28th February 2025

Welcome back! This week, we have launched our exciting new topic, ‘Time Travellers’, where we will journey back in time to explore toys from the past. To bring history to life, our classroom now features an inspiring role-play area designed as both a toy shop and a toy museum. Thanks to Helston Museum, we have borrowed a fascinating collection of old toys is currently on display in our class museum. As part of our learning, the children have shared their favourite toys, drawing and labelling them before writing descriptive sentences. In literacy, we have been reading Handa’s Hen, which has inspired the children to make predictions and construct thoughtful questions and statements while focusing on accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Meanwhile, in maths, we have continued developing our understanding of numbers and place value within 50. Comparing two numbers using equality signs, the children have also been encouraged to use key vocabulary such as ‘more than’, ‘less than’, and ‘equal to’. Science lessons have involved exploring and identifying a variety of materials, sparking curiosity about their properties and uses. In art, creativity has flourished as the children have made their own paper toy caterpillars – these will be coming home today! During RE, we have been discussing ‘new life’, with the children going on a nature walk around the school grounds to spot signs of spring, such as budding plants, daffodils, and frogspawn. In PSHE, our focus has been on making informed lifestyle choices, distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy habits. It has been a fantastic start to the week, and we are looking forward to all the learning ahead!
Virtue - Peony
Virtue (Patience) - Lola

14th February 2025

We have had a busy week completing our curriculum units for this half term. In literacy, the children composed a recount based on “I’m Going on a Lion Hunt,” focusing on incorporating a variety of sentence starters—such as first, next, then, after that, suddenly and finally—to enhance their narratives. In maths, we have been exploring numbers and place value up to 50, with the children utilising manipulatives and pictorial representations to identify and understand each number. In geography, we delved into the study of continents, concentrating on North America, South America and Antarctica. During our art lesson, the children created moving pictures, selecting their preferred moving mechanisms to bring their artwork to life. Our science lesson examined the characteristics of animals, sparking curiosity about the natural world. In PSHE, the children worked collaboratively in teams to overcome new challenges, reinforcing the importance of teamwork and resilience. Finally, in RE, we built upon our understanding of Christian practices by investigating why Christians pray, particularly through exploring the tradition of saying grace before meals.
Virtue - Elowen
Pupil of the week - Ollie P

7th February 2025

In literacy, we have started reading books with repeating patterns. We listened to We’re Going on a Bear Hunt and then created story maps based on a different version, We’re Going on a Lion Hunt. The children practised repeating parts of the story, incorporating intonation and actions when retelling it. In maths, we have been working on subtraction by crossing 10, while our maths mastery lessons have focused on odd and even numbers. In science, we discussed different types of animals and whether they are pets or wild animals. In RE, we explored the purpose of prayer and why it is an important part of religious faiths. During PSHE, we have been learning to face new challenges, with the children completing puzzles and games. In geography, we learned about Africa, specifically focusing on Kenya. We discovered some fascinating facts! In computing, we practised Level 3 of the BBC typing programme, and the children are doing a fantastic job learning where the different keys are. Finally, we have been learning about Children’s Mental Health Week, discussing what mental health means and exploring ways to take care of it.
Pupil of the week – Phoebe       
Virtue (Positivity) - Betsy

31st January 2025

Marazion Class have worked exceptionally hard this week on writing their own non-fiction book about owls. The children researched fascinating facts and carefully selected the most interesting ones to include in their book. When constructing their sentences, they made a great effort to apply the skills learned throughout this unit, such as using capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, and exclamation marks. They also practised joining sentences using ‘and’ and included a glossary. Maths lessons have focused on adding within 20 by bridging to ten. The children have also developed their subtraction skills and tackled word problems using the ‘first’, ‘then’, and ‘now’ approach. In science we have learnt about animal diets, with children exploring the food groups: carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores. Our PSHE activities encouraged teamwork, as children worked in pairs and small groups to complete games while focusing on recognising and celebrating each other's achievements. In Design Technology, we have seen the children planning their final moving picture creations, carefully selecting the mechanisms they want to incorporate into their designs. During RE, the Christian creation story took centre stage. To bring it to life, the children created their own spinning wheels using split pins to illustrate the different stages of the story.

Pupil of the week – Evie-Rae

Virtue (Positivity) – Jayden

24th January 2025

This week in Marazion, we have been practising writing sentences with correct grammar and punctuation. The children have written factual information about animals. Our focus in maths has been on comparing numbers, with the children using comparison symbols to support their understanding. They have also been ordering numbers from greatest to smallest and vice versa. Science lessons have involved researching the differences between amphibians, reptiles, and fish. As part of our RE lessons, we have been discussing the topic of creation. The beginning of this unit has centred on conversations about natural and manmade materials. Geography has taken us to the continent of Australia, where we have been learning about its unique features. The children have continued exploring mechanisms in design and technology, concentrating on pivots. They used this knowledge to create a life cycle of a butterfly and then they had fun designing moving paper bats.


Pupil of the week – Amara

Virtue (Positivity) - Gil

17th January 2025

In literacy, the children have continued exploring the fascinating world of night-time animals. They have engaged in a variety of activities, including reading books, searching the internet, and watching video clips about nocturnal creatures. The children have written interesting facts about their favourite nocturnal animals, showcasing their learning and curiosity. They have also practised forming thoughtful questions by brainstorming question starters and writing queries about bats. As part of our punctuation focus, we have also discussed the purpose of exclamation marks and how they can add excitement and emphasis to writing. In maths, the children have focused on the number seven during their Maths Mastery sessions, exploring the different ways to make seven. In our number and place value lessons, we have been learning about number lines and discussing how they can start and end with various numbers. The children have also practised drawing their own number lines, applying their understanding in a creative and hands-on way. This week in computing, the children began learning about word processing, using the game Keyboard Climber to practice keyboard skills. The children explored the differences between mammals and birds in science, identifying key characteristics. To bring their learning to life, they followed art tutorials to draw and label examples like bats (mammals) and parrots (birds), combining science and art in a fun and creative way! In geography, we focused on the continent of Asia, with a particular emphasis on China. The children discovered interesting facts about China, including learning about the animals that live there.


Pupil of the week – Addie
Virtue (Hope) – Holly




10th January 2025

We have started this half-term by embarking on our exciting topic, Wildlife Wonders. In literacy, we have begun a unit on information texts. The children have thoroughly enjoyed delving into our animal book collection, eagerly uncovering fascinating facts. Our primary focus has been on nocturnal animals, and the children can now confidently share interesting facts about them. In maths, we have been working on number and place value. Using a variety of mathematical tools, the children have been representing numbers in creative and meaningful ways. Meanwhile, in phonics, we have been exploring Phase 5 letter sounds, focusing on wh, ph, ay, and a-e, with an introduction to a-e as a split digraph. In design technology, the children learned how to create and attach a slider to a background image, showcasing their creativity and practical skills. In PSHE, we discussed goal setting and reflected on the unique skills each child excels at. During geography lessons, we turned our attention to the continent of Europe, with a special focus on France. In science, we explored various animal groups, and the children enjoyed sorting animals into their respective categories, deepening their understanding of the natural world. It’s been a wonderfully packed week, and the children have risen to every challenge with enthusiasm and success!

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