Stithians Community Primary School

Stithians Community Primary School

Inspiration - Understanding - Value - Responsibility

Stithians CP School, Church Road, Stithians, Truro, Cornwall, TR3 7DH

01209 860547


Welcome to Marazion Class


Sarah Allen

Support Staff

Emma Turley
Kate Manley
Mornings + Wednesday Afternoon



Marazion class is taught by Mrs Allen and supported by teaching assistants, Katey Manley and Emma Turley. In Marazion, we follow the National Curriculum but also try to incorporate a continuous provision approach to encourage the children to learn through play. We have a lovely reading area, role-play area, computer area and tuff tray zones which are always accessible to the children. 

A typical day in Marazion looks like:

- Registration
- Literacy
- Maths
- Break time
- Phonics
- Lunch time
- Guided Reading
- Topic (session 1)
- Topic (session 2) 

Our topic this term is... A SECRET GARDEN

Newsletters & Topic Webs

 Please click on the links to view the files.


Autumn Term Newsletter 2023

Spring Term Newsletter 2024



 Topic Web

Marvellous Me (Autumn Term 1)

Festivals & Celebrations (Autumn Term 2)

Animal Kingdom (Spring Term 1)

We are Historians (Spring Term 2)

 A Secret Garden (Summer Term 1)

Our Photo Gallery

Here are some recent photographs from our classroom:

Phonics at School

At Stithians CP School we follow the Bugs Club Phonics scheme. 



Supporting Phonics at Home

The following three videos show the correct pronunciation for all the letter sounds in phases 2, 3, and 5. 

If you would like further advice, about how you can help your child with their phonics at home, then please pop in to see me. 


Phase 2 Sounds

Phase 3 Sounds

Phase 5 Sounds

Summer Term 2024 Blog

17th May 2024

This week, the children completed their alternative versions of Jack and the Beanstalk, focusing on correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Next week, they will apply these skills in an independent writing task to further solidify their learning. In mathematics, we concentrated on counting by twos, fives, and tens. The class applied this understanding to create various sets of equal groups, enhancing their comprehension of multiplication and division concepts. In Phonics, we practised reading both real and nonsense words to boost their decoding and phonemic awareness. This exercise helps improve their reading of unfamiliar words by sounding them out. In science, we explored different types of plants and flowers. We learned about the various environments these plants thrive in and discussed the importance of wildflower gardens. In geography, we studied the characteristics of the summer season. This included discussions on weather patterns, activities commonly associated with summer, and the season's impact on both the environment and human behaviour. During physical education, the children engaged in a paired activity designed to develop their teamwork and communication skills. One child was blindfolded while the other provided verbal instructions to guide them to a hoop, fostering trust and collaboration between partners.


POTW – Jesse

Virtue - Elouan

10th May 2024

This week in Marazion, our focus has been on exploring capacity and mastering volume measurements. The children eagerly engaged with hands-on activities using the tuff tray in our classroom, experimenting with various quantities and measures. The children collaborated in small, guided groups in literacy sessions to craft their own narratives. This approach enabled us to provide tailored support, addressing each child's writing goals. Meanwhile, those not directly involved in guided writing pursuits were offered additional challenges to enhance their reading and writing skills. In our religious education lessons, we delved into the significance of the Jewish menorah candle holder, fostering discussions on its cultural and symbolic importance. Our Geography lesson centered on understanding the four seasons, with the children demonstrating their understanding by correlating each month with its respective season. In PSHE, our discussions centered on the essence of friendship, exploring what it means to be a good friend and how we can cultivate meaningful relationships. During Wild Tribe activities, the children engaged in collaborative games like hide-and-seek while also working together to master fire-lighting techniques. In PE, led by Mr. Potts, the children enthusiastically embraced the challenge of hurdling.

POTW – George

Virtue - Emily

3rd May 2024

It's been another eventful week in Marazion! In our math sessions, we delved into the concepts of weight and mass, guiding the children through hands-on activities with measuring scales to compare various objects. We emphasised key terms such as "lighter," "heavier," and "equal" to enrich their vocabulary. In literacy, the children have created a story map to help them plan their alternative version of Jack and the Beanstalk. In phonics, the children have been practising real words and nonsense words. Meanwhile, in RE, our focus shifted to Judaism, sparking engaging discussions about the special objects found in Jewish homes. We have great fun in science, creating drawings and pictures of trees and plants. The children have discussed the parts of plants and their purpose. During our PSHE sessions, we celebrated the diversity of families, fostering understanding and appreciation for our unique family structures. Finally, we saw some decent sunshine on Wednesday, so the children embraced the great outdoors for their Wild Tribe session; they planted wildflowers and enjoyed toasted marshmallows on a crackling fire. 

Certificate winners:

Pupil of the week – Logan

Virtue – Georgia

26th April 2024

This week in literacy, we have been recalling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and started to innovate by changing aspects of the story. Instead of a beanstalk, the children have chosen a different plant that grows and a different character to replace Jack. In maths, we have been learning to measure using standard units of measurements, such as centimetres and meters. We have been impressed with how accurate the children’s measuring has been! In science, the children have followed instructions to plant cress. During PSHE, we have discussed the importance of road safety and how to keep safe when out and about. In computing, the second group of children completed their secret garden paintings using a paint program called Tux Paint. In art, we have started a unit focusing on using natural materials to create art. The children used small pieces of chopped-up fruit and vegetables to create a colour pinwheel picture. As a school, we have had a couple of fire alarm practises this week, and Marazion class conducted themselves perfectly when exiting the school and leading out to the playground - well done, Marazion!

Certificate winners:
Pupil of the week - Kitty
Virtue - Elsie

19th April 2024

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break. This week in maths, we have been learning to measure using non-standard units of measurement, such as by using cubes and counters. Next week, we will start to measure using standard units of measurement, such as centimetres and meters. In literacy, we have been learning and retelling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk through a storytelling map. The children have retold the story several times, each time trying to make it better by using more descriptive language and expression. In phonics, we have been revising all previously learned graphemes from phases 2 to 5, and we will continue to practise segmenting and blending actual words and nonsense words over the next half term.  During ICT, half of the class created artwork based on our new topic, A Secret Garden; the other half will start theirs on Monday. The children had a fabulous time during their Wild Tribe session, and some of the activities they completed were creating natural bubble wands, playing hide and seek and working with a partner to make ‘worms’ out of sticks. 


Certificate winners:

Pupil of the week: Lamorna

Most improved: Jack


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